When you’re getting ready to start your online preschool, be sure to use this online preschool class schedule during your Teaching Time lesson to have the best success! Your Teaching Time lesson is a 30-min. pre-recorded lesson you’ll send to your preschool parents the night before your live Preschool Pals classes.
All of the activities below reference how to teach online preschool using our Fundamentals Preschool Curriculum.
To see how to schedule your Preschool Pals classes, check out this article Online Preschool Class Schedule: Preschool Pals class.
Sing a welcome song (without using names). Put on your favorite dance song then ask students to stand up and dance their hearts out!
Magic Bag
Day 1
Hide items inside your Magic Bag before class that correspond with the magic letter, number, color, and shape. Discuss each one as you pull it out, saying, “Our magic shape is a _____.” Also today, find several of the same item and count them aloud, such as: “Let’s see how many marbles we have today! Let’s count! 1…2…3…4…” etc. and end on the magic number.
Day 2
Review the magic letter, number, color, and shape. Also today, paint a picture on a piece of paper using the magic color. If it is not a primary color, show them how you first need to mix 2 colors to make the color you want.
Day 3
Review the magic letter, number, color, and shape. Also today, paint the shape on a piece of paper using the magic color as many times as the magic number (i.e. paint 2 blue circles, etc.)
Letter of the Week
Day 1: Letter Card
Hold up the Letter Card and say the letter chant while you trace the Letter Card with your finger.
Day 2: Letter Pal
Say, “I have a friend who has come a long, long way to say hello to us today! Would you like to meet my friend?” Then give prompts for the children to guess what animal it is. Once they’ve guessed it, show the letter Pal and ask them to sign the song along with you. Then discuss the letter’s sound.
Day 3: Box of Sounds
Hide items in the Box of Sounds before class. Say, “It’s time for the Box of Sounds!” Pull items out of the box one at a time and enunciate the letter’s sound as you say it.
Do the activity shown in the theme’s outline or choose your own activity.
Arts & Crafts
Do the activity shown in the theme’s outline or choose your own activity. You will be the only one doing the activity, as your students are simply watching (not doing). That way they don’t need to buy arts & crafts materials.
Story Time
Read a book to the children shown in the theme’s outline or choose your own book. Be sure to show the book closer to the camera so they can see it.
Life Skills
Do the activity listed on the theme’s outline or choose your own. NOTE: Day 2’s activity will need to be slightly modified to accommodate an online class, but we know you can do it!
Review what you have learned, end with a goodbye song, and tell the students you can’t wait to see them next time!
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