When you’re getting ready to start your online preschool, be sure to use this online preschool class schedule during your live Preschool Pals class on Zoom. Your Preschool Pals class is a 30-min. live class where you’ll meet with 4-12 online preschoolers at a time.
All of the activities below reference how to teach online preschool using our Fundamentals Preschool Curriculum.
To see how to schedule your Teaching Time lessons, check out this article Online Preschool Class Schedule: Teaching Time Lessons.
Welcome all the children to preschool and greet them by name using a fun welcome song. Review rules if you like (Dressed for school, Quiet place, Video ON, Mic MUTED, Eyes looking, Ears listening, Raise hand.) Put on your favorite dance song then ask students to stand up and dance their hearts out!
Discuss the calendar (i.e. “Today is TUESDAY, MARCH 14. Let’s count to 14! 1…2…3…etc.”) Practice Days of the Week and Months of the Year songs, and clap when you get to the current day or month. Ask the children to raise their hand and share what the weather is in their city.
Magic Bag
Put the flash card for the week’s magic letter, number, color, and shape in your magic bag and ask them to say it out loud when they see it.
Letter of the Week
Day 1: Letter Card
Share your screen, showing the Letter Card. Trace the Letter Card as you say the letter chant. Ask them to trace the letter on the screen as you say the letter chant again. Then ask them to write the letter on their paper as you say the letter chant again. Invite them to hold up their papers so you can see them and discuss them.
Day 2: Letter Pal
Hold up the Letter Pal and ask them to sing the song again with you. Remind them of the letter sound. Then ask them to find something in their house in 1 minute that starts with the letter, like ______. When they return, ask them to raise their hands if they want to share their item with the class.
Day 3: Rhyming Words
Say a word that ends with the letter’s sound. Then invite students one at a time to say a rhyming word, even if they’re nonsense words.
Rhythms and Movement
Have the children sing the song shown in the theme’s outline.
Gross Motor Activities
Pick a few of the activities from the Enrichment Ideas or choose a few Movement Cards to do.
Day 1
Refer to the Enrichment Ideas for the theme and ask a few “Talk Time” questions about the Life Science theme.
Day 2
Ask fun Sharing Time questions.
Day 3
Allow the students to show & tell 1 item to the class.
Review what you have learned, end with a goodbye song, and tell the students you can’t wait to see them next time!
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