Do you need a license to start a preschool? Do you need a degree to start a preschool? What kind of experience do you need to start a preschool? So many questions! This blog post has all the answers. Here is everything you need to know about preschool licensing for your state.
Is there a “preschool license?”
If you are ONLY teaching online preschool, you do NOT need to be licensed. There is no governing agency over online preschools, so there is no license required. Because there is no license required, there is NO degree or experience required either. ANYONE can start an online preschool! The rest of the information below is related to local preschools.
Daycares have to be licensed if they care for a certain number of children, so that’s why everyone asks if preschools also need to be licensed. Let’s be clear: there is no such thing as a “preschool license.” Rather, IF you need to be licensed, you will need to get “daycare license” from your state. In this situation, you would get LICENSED as a daycare and you would OPERATE as a preschool (i.e. you would choose to only teach children ages 3-5 and only be open for a few hours each day.)
Licensing requirements vary by state
You MIGHT need to be licensed in your state. Every state has different requirements. It is possible to start a preschool in just about any state without a license because each state has a certain # of children you can teach at any one time without needing to be licensed You need to check the guidelines for your state (see below) to find out:
• How many students can you teach in your state without being licensed?
• How many students can you teach by yourself WITH being licensed?
• If you decide to get licensed, do you need a degree or experience?
• What is the staff to child ratio for preschoolers?
Your state’s preschool license requirements will apply to anytime you teach preschoolers, like a summer camp, dance class, or STEM class. Any time you are teaching a group of 3-5-year-old children, the licensing requirements apply (unless specifically stated otherwise for your state.)
If you are only teaching school age children, like in an afterschool program for example, then you DO NOT need to be licensed. Look over your state’s requirements to see how many children you can teach at one time without a license. The ratios will be different in that case because of the school age factor.
City zoning requirements
If you’re operating out of your home and you choose to be licensed, you’ll want to contact your city’s Planning & Zoning department to ask if you need a special use permit. Ask them: “I’m starting a preschool (not a daycare) in my home. I’ll be getting licensed as a daycare, but I’m a preschool so I’ll ONLY teach children ages 3-5, and I’ll ONLY teach for a few hours each day. Do I need a special use permit or any other type of permit?”
That question should get you to the right person in order to proceed with the correct process. Remember to emphasize that you are getting licensed as a DAYCARE – if they try to put you into the SCHOOL category, you’ll have a much more difficult time, and you don’t belong in that category. (Again, there is no PRESCHOOL category; you’re lumped into the “daycare” category.)
You may also want to check with your city government offices to see if you will need a business license or any other permits. Also, set up a Doing Business As (DBA) through the Secretary of State’s office in your state and consider registering as an LLC through your state’s Corporation Commission.
General licensing requirements
You need 35 sq. ft. per child. The fire marshal will measure the total square feet of your allowable spaces (including hallways) to have children in and divide it by 35. That will be your occupancy #. So even if you can be licensed for 12 children at one time, the fire marshal might say your occupancy is only 10 because you have a smaller space. (In that scenario you would only be allowed to have 10 children per class. That is unusual, though, as most people have enough square feet for 12 children at one time.)
You can start a preschool in an apartment, but you would need to get approval from your landlord to do so. You can set up your preschool in a basement or in an upstairs bedroom, but you will need at least two exits. One of the exits can be the stairs that lead to the ground floor, and the second should be either an egress window or a door leading outside. Ask your licensing department for specifics based on your own situation to see how these requirements apply to you.
Start the licensing process early
Your licensing department may take a while to get hold of, so it is best to start the process as early in your preschool journey as possible. Also, the phone system might take a bit of time to get you to the right person. Once you do, ask all your questions.
THEN, call the next day and ask all the same questions again. You might get different answers. Try to clarify, if needed, so you get to the bottom of it. The reason for this discrepancy is because most licensors don’t deal with us preschool folk; they’re used to daycare only questions.
10 questions you must ask your state licensing department
1. How many children can I teach at one time without being licensed?
Typically, each state has varying levels of licenses. Depending on the number of children you’re teaching at one time, you may not need a license at all, or you may need a certification, or you may need a state license. You’ll find that there are even different classifications of childcare licenses, from “family daycare home”, to “group daycare facility”, to “daycare center”, etc. Your own state may have different names for their classifications as well.
2. Do my own children count toward the number of children I can teach at one time?
If you have any young children who will be at home with you during preschool (and not at school), you’ll definitely want to find out if they count towards the total number of children you can care for at one time. Some states include your children in the total number of children you can care for and some do not.
3. What is the staff/child ratio for preschool-age children?
While childcare providers will find different ratios for infants and preschool-age children, you only need to find out the staff/child ratio for children ages 3-5.
4. What educational background or training is required to get a license?
Every state is incredibly different in the amount of educational background or training they require. Some states require no additional education beyond high school, while other states require a minimum of 20 hours of early childhood education courses. Most states, if not all, require you to be CPR/1st Aid Certified. So, double-check your state’s requirements and find out how long it will take to fulfill them.
5. What types of inspections are required to get a license?
Two types of inspections you may need are:
- Health inspection from the state Health Department
- Fire inspection from the city Fire Department
If your home has been built recently or is in good condition, you should have almost no problems with these inspections.
Most likely they will make sure that you have a fire extinguisher, smoke detectors, adequate exits, a functional telephone (or cell phone), and that you will get copies of the child’s immunization records.
Be sure to tell your health inspector that you are not providing care for infants, so there is no need for diaper changing or nap time areas. Also, remind them that you will not be preparing food for the children (you can have the preschool parents sign up to bring snacks and this will keep your costs down.)
6. Will I need a criminal history background check if I get licensed?
Most likely you will have to be fingerprinted and have a background check. This is not only for safety purposes, but it also gives you an added qualification when you talk to prospective parents who don’t even know you.
7. Are there any specific home requirements concerning pets, pools, play equipment, or backyard fences if I need to be licensed?
These are the four most common concerns people have when going through the licensing process. Some have pools in their backyard and don’t have security fences around them; others have pets in the home and aren’t sure if they can be around the children; some have trampolines in their backyard; and still others don’t have 6’ fencing around their entire backyard. Every state (and city) is different with their requirements so if your licensor doesn’t have an answer, be sure to call the health and fire departments— and even your city’s Planning and Zoning Committee—as they may have more information for you.
8. Are there any other agencies which I will need to check with if I need to be licensed?
Even if you have already checked with the government agencies mentioned above about a business license, a DBA, and an LLC, ask this question anyway as every state/city is unique and there may be something you need to take care of that we may not have thought of.
When a business is operated out of a home, your city may want to make sure that your neighborhood is okay with it. Some things you may need are a business license, business permit, special use permit, meeting with your neighbors, and meeting with the city council. In addition, if you have a homeowner’s association (HOA), they may have rules regarding the posting of business signs, increased traffic through the subdivision, or even how you use your home.
Tip for dealing with any of these people: BE NICE and always talk about how a preschool in the neighborhood will benefit the community. Also, map out the pickup/dropoff procedures for your preschool, as they will often ask for those. (NOTE: Most homes can be licensed, and most HOAs allow daycares, so you shouldn’t have any problem getting approved.)
9. What are the fees associated with getting licensed?
Again, every state will have different fees, but here are approximate fees:
- Varies: Daycare License (from the state)
- Varies: Special Use Permit (from your city)
- $35: Health Inspection
- $20: Fire Inspection
- $55: Background Check
- $50: CPR/1st Aid Certification
- +other necessary fees for additional licenses, permits, etc.
10. How long does it take for an application to be accepted?
Once an application is received, it may be approved as soon as they receive all the necessary documentation from the other agencies, or it may take longer depending on the number of applications they’re working on.
The good news is that you can submit your licensing application and schedule your inspections, background check, CPR/1st Aid Certification, and any other appointments NOW and then the results will be submitted to your licensor as soon as they’re completed. That should help the application process move more quickly because the licensing department won’t be waiting on you. And typically, you can market your preschool after you’ve received satisfactory results from all your inspections, but while you’re just waiting on the actual licensing paperwork to go through.
Do you need a preschool license in your state?
We have provided a comprehensive list with preschool license information for all 50 states. This list tells you how you can start a preschool without a license, whether or not a license is required for your state and provides information on how to go about getting a preschool license for your state. At the end of this section is a list of links that will take you to a Trello board with frequently updated information about your state’s licensing requirements.
Alabama Preschool License
To start a preschool in Alabama, you DON’T need to be licensed in Alabama if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes for less than 4 hours at a time (i.e. you can have up to two 4-hr. classes per day.)
Four-hour classes are a bit long for preschoolers; the ideal length is 2 ½ hours per class. If you meet these criteria, you do not need a license in the state of Alabama. However, if you want to look into your state’s licensing guidelines for any other purpose, they can be found here.
Alaska Preschool License
To start a preschool in Alaska, you DON’T need to be licensed in Alaska if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 4 preschoolers at one time (your own children DO NOT count toward that number.)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Alaska. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 8—if “Childcare Home License” or 12—if “Childcare Group Home License”
- Do your children count toward that #? Yes, if ages 0-5, and at home during class
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:8 or 1:12 (see above)
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 907-269-4500
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Arizona Preschool License
To start a preschool in Arizona, you DON’T need to be licensed in Arizona if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 4 preschoolers at one time (your own children DO NOT count toward that number.)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Arizona. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 13
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:13
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 800-308-9000
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Arkansas Preschool License
To start a preschool in Arkansas, you DON’T need to be licensed in Arkansas if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 5 preschoolers at one time (your own children DO NOT count toward that number.)
- You do need to get “registered” though
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Arkansas. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 10
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:10
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 501-682-8590
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
California Preschool License
To start a preschool in California, you DON’T need to be licensed in California if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 1 additional FAMILY at one time (your own children DO NOT count toward that number.)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of California. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 8—if “Small Home License” or 12-14—if “Large Home License”
- Do your children count toward that #? Yes, if ages 0-5, and at home during class
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:8 or 2:14 (see above)
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 916-651-6040
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Colorado Preschool License
To start a preschool in Colorado, you DON’T need to be licensed in Colorado if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 4 preschoolers at one time (your own children DO count toward that number if they are age 0-5 and at home during class.)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Colorado. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 6—if “Small Home License” or 8—if “Large Home License”
- Do your children count toward that #? Yes, if ages 0-5, and at home during class
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:6 or 1:8 depending on license
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 800-799-5876
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Connecticut Preschool License
To start a preschool in Connecticut, you DON’T need to be licensed in Connecticut if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes for less than 3 hours at a time (i.e. you can have up to two 3-hr. classes per day.)
Three-hour classes are a bit long for preschoolers; the ideal length is 2 ½ hours per class. If you meet these criteria, you do not need a license in the state of Connecticut. However, if you want to look into your state’s licensing guidelines for any other purpose, they can be found here.
Delaware Preschool License
To start a preschool in Delaware, you DON’T need to be licensed in Delaware if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Delaware. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 6—if “Family Childcare Home License” or 12—if “Large Family Childcare Home License”
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:6 or 1:12 depending on license
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 302-892-5800 or 302-739-5487
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Florida Preschool License
To start a preschool in Florida, you DON’T need to be licensed in Florida if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 1 other family at one time
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Florida. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 10—if “Family Daycare Home License” or 12—if “Large Family Daycare Home License”
- Do your children count toward that #? Yes, if ages 0-13 and at home during class
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:10 or 1:12 (see above)
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 888-352-2842
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Georgia Preschool License
To start a preschool in Georgia, you DON’T need to be licensed in Georgia if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 2 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Georgia. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 6
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:6
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 404-254-3969
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Hawaii Preschool License
To start a preschool in Hawaii, you DON’T need to be licensed in Hawaii if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 2 preschoolers at one time (your own children DO NOT count toward that number.)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Hawaii. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 6—if “Family Childcare Home License” or 12—if “Group Childcare Homes License”
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:6 or 1:12 (see above)
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 855-643-1643
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here and here
Idaho Preschool License
To start a preschool in Idaho, you don’t need to be licensed in Idaho if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 6 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #) OR
- You ONLY teach children ages 4+ OR
- You ONLY teach a religious kindergarten
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Idaho. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 12
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:12
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 800-926-2588
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Illinois Preschool License
To start a preschool in Illinois, you DON’T need to be licensed in Illinois if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 3 preschoolers at one time (your children DO count toward that #, if they are ages 0-12 and at home during class)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Illinois. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 8—if “Daycare License” or 12—if “Group Daycare License”
- Do your children count toward that #? Yes, if they are ages 0-12, and at home during class
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:8 with Daycare License or 2:12 with qualified assistant with Group Daycare License
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
Find your state’s licensing website here
Call your state’s licensing department here: 800-252-2873
Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to themFor full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Indiana Preschool License
To start a preschool in Indiana, you DON’T need to be licensed in Indiana if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 5 preschoolers at one time (your children DO count toward that #, if they are ages 0-5 and at home during class)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Indiana. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 10
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:10
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
Find your state’s licensing website here
Call your state’s licensing department here: 916-651-6040
Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to themFor full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Iowa Preschool License
To start a preschool in Iowa, you DON’T need to be licensed in Iowa if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 5 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Iowa. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 8
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:8
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 800-722-7619
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Kansas Preschool License
To start a preschool in Kansas, you DON’T need to be licensed in Kansas if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Kansas. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 12
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:12
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 785-296-1270
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Kentucky Preschool License
To start a preschool in Kentucky, you DON’T need to be licensed in Kentucky if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach preschool to up to 3 preschoolers (your own children DO NOT count toward that #) AND you teach fewer than 20 hours total per week
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Kentucky. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 12
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:12
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 502-564-7962
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Louisiana Preschool License
To start a preschool in Louisiana, you DON’T need to be licensed in Louisiana if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 6 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
- You ONLY teach classes with a total teaching time of 12.5 hrs. per week (i.e. all your classes combined in one week cannot exceed 12.5 hrs.)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Louisiana. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 12
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:12
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 225-342-9905
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, you can learn the licensing guidelines in 4 courses: One Two Three Four
Maine Preschool License
To start a preschool in Maine, you DON’T need to be licensed in Maine if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 2 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Maine. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 12 (8 students + up to 4 of your own children ages 0-4) with a “Family Childcare Provider License”
- Do your children count toward that #? Explained above
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:12
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 800-791-4080
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Maryland Preschool License
To start a preschool in Maryland, you DON’T need to be licensed in Maryland if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 6 preschoolers at one time (your children DO count toward that # if they are ages 0-6 and at home during class)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Maryland. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 12
- Do your children count toward that #? Yes, if they are ages 0-6, and at home during class
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:12
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: (410) 767-1853 or 410-767-0100
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here, here, and here
Massachusetts Preschool License
To start a preschool in Massachusetts, you DON’T need to be licensed in Massachusetts if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Massachusetts.
Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 10
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:6 or 2:10
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 617-988-6600
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Michigan Preschool License
To start a preschool in Michigan, you DON’T need to be licensed in Michigan if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Michigan. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 10
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:10
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 517-335-1980
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Minnesota Preschool License
To start a preschool in Minnesota, you DON’T need to be licensed in Minnesota if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 1 preschooler at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Minnesota. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 6 if “Family Childcare License” or 8 if “Group Family Childcare License”
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:6 or 1:8 (see above)
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: multiple phone #s listed here
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Mississippi Preschool License
To start a preschool in Mississippi, you DON’T need to be licensed in Mississippi if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 6 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Mississippi. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 14
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:14
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 866-HLTHY4U
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Missouri Preschool License
To start a preschool in Missouri, you DON’T need to be licensed in Missouri if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You can teach classes to up to 6 preschoolers at one time (your own children DO count toward that # if you are registered
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Missouri. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 10
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:10
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 573-751-2450
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Montana Preschool License
To start a preschool in Montana, you DON’T need to be licensed in Montana if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Montana. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 10
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:10
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: (406) 444-2012
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Nebraska Preschool License
To start a preschool in Nebraska, you DON’T need to be licensed in Nebraska if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 3 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Nebraska. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 10
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:10
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 800-600-1289
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Nevada Preschool License
To start a preschool in Nevada, you DON’T need to be licensed in Nevada if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 4 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Nevada. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 6 if “Family Cares License” or 12 if “Group Cares License”
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:6 or 2:12 (see above)
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 702-486-3822
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
New Hampshire Preschool License
To start a preschool in New Hampshire, you DON’T need to be licensed in New Hampshire if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes to up to 3 preschoolers at one time (your own children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of New Hampshire. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 8
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:8
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
NOTE: You cannot call yourself a “preschool” unless you’re a certified teacher. Instead, call your school an Academy or an Enrichment Center
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 603-271-9025
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
New Jersey Preschool License
To start a preschool in New Jersey, you DON’T need to be licensed in New Jersey if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 5 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of New Jersey. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 10
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:10
- Degree required to get licensed: Director must have any Bachelor’s degree
- Experience required to get licensed: Director must have 1 yr. managerial or supervisory experience
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 877-667-9845
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
New Mexico Preschool License
To start a preschool in New Mexico, you DON’T need to be licensed in New Mexico if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 4 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of New Mexico. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 12
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:12
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 505-841-4825
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
New York Preschool License
To start a preschool in New York, you DON’T need to be licensed in New York if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes for less than 4 hours at a time (i.e. you can have up to two 4-hr. classes per day.)
Four-hour classes are a bit long for preschoolers; the ideal length is 2 ½ hours per class. If you meet these criteria, you do not need a license in the state of New York. However, if you want to look into your state’s licensing guidelines for any other purpose, they can be found here.
North Carolina Preschool License
To start a preschool in North Carolina, you DON’T need to be licensed in North Carolina if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes for less than 4 hours at a time (i.e. you can have up to two 4-hr. classes per day)
Four-hour classes are a bit long for preschoolers; the ideal length is 2 ½ hours per class. If you meet these criteria, you do not need a license in the state of North Carolina. However, if you want to look into your state’s licensing guidelines for any other purpose, they can be found here.
North Dakota Preschool License
To start a preschool in North Dakota, you DON’T need to be licensed in North Dakota if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 5 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of North Dakota. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 7 if “Family Childcare License” or 12 if “Group Childcare License”
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:7 or 1:12 (see above)
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 701-328-4809
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here and here
Ohio Preschool License
To start a preschool in Ohio, you DON’T need to be licensed in Ohio if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 6 preschoolers at one time (your children DO count toward that # if they are ages 0-5 and at home during class)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Ohio. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 12
- Do your children count toward that #? Yes, if they are ages 0-5, and at home during class
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:12
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 877-302-2347
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Oklahoma Preschool License
To start a preschool in Oklahoma, you DON’T need to be licensed in Oklahoma if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes for a TOTAL of 15 or fewer hours per week (i.e. six 2.5-hr. classes per week total)
- You ONLY teach a private school that has classes for Preschool through 3rd grade
- You ONLY teach summer camps for children ages 4+
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Oklahoma. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 7 if “Family Childcare Home License” or “12 if Large Family Childcare Home License”
- Do your children count toward that #? Yes, if they are ages 0-5, and at home during class
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:7 or 2:12 (see above)
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 888-446-7608
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Oregon Preschool License
To start a preschool in Oregon, you DON’T need to be licensed in Oregon if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes for less than 4 hours at a time (i.e. you can have up to two 4-hr. classes per day)
Four-hour classes are a bit long for preschoolers; the ideal length is 2 ½ hours per class. If you meet these criteria, you do not need a license in the state of Oregon. However, if you want to look into your state’s licensing guidelines for any other purpose, they can be found here.
Pennsylvania Preschool License
To start a preschool in Pennsylvania, you DON’T need to be licensed in Pennsylvania if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 3 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Pennsylvania. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 6 if “Family Childcare Home License” or 12 if “Group Childcare Home”
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:6 or 2:12 (see above)
- Degree required to get licensed: CDA -or- CCP -or- 9 college credits in early childhood education or child development or elementary education -or- Pennsylvania school-age professional credential
- Experience required to get licensed: 1 year any experience with children
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 800-346-2929
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here and here
Rhode Island Preschool License
To start a preschool in Rhode Island, you DON’T need to be licensed in Rhode Island if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Rhode Island. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 9
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:9
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 401-528-3500
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
South Carolina Preschool License
To start a preschool in South Carolina, you DON’T need to be licensed in South Carolina if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes for less than 4 hours at a time (i.e. you can have up to two 4-hr. classes per day)
Four-hour classes are a bit long for preschoolers; the ideal length is 2 ½ hours per class. If you meet these criteria, you do not need a license in the state of South Carolina. However, if you want to look into your state’s licensing guidelines for any other purpose, they can be found here.
South Dakota Preschool License
To start a preschool in South Dakota, you DON’T need to be licensed in South Dakota if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes up to 12 students per class (WOW!)
PLEASE NOTE: Because it is not recommended that you teach a preschool class with more than 12 students, detailed licensing information is not provided here, because you can teach any class with up to 12 students each and not need to be licensed. However, if you want to look into your state’s licensing guidelines for any other purpose, they can be found here.
Tennessee Preschool License
To start a preschool in Tennessee, you DON’T need to be licensed in Tennessee if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes for less than 3 hours at a time (i.e. you can have up to two 3-hr. classes per day)
- You ONLY teach classes for up to 5 preschoolers at one time for any number of hours (Your own children DO NOT count toward that #)
The ideal length for a preschool class is 2 ½ hours per class. If you meet these criteria, you do not need a license in the state of Tennessee. However, if you want to look into your state’s licensing guidelines for any other purpose, they can be found here.
Texas Preschool License
To start a preschool in Texas, you DON’T need to be licensed in Texas if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 6 preschoolers at one time for a period of less than 4 hours per class (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Texas. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 12
- Do your children count toward that #? Yes, if children are ages 0-5, and at home during class
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:12
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 713-696-7184
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Utah Preschool License
To start a preschool in Utah, you DON’T need to be licensed in Utah if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes for less than 4 hours at a time (i.e. you can have up to two 4-hr. classes per day)
Four-hour classes are a bit long for preschoolers; the ideal length is 2 ½ hours per class. If you meet these criteria, you do not need a license in the state of Utah. However, if you want to look into your state’s licensing guidelines for any other purpose, they can be found here.
Vermont Preschool License
To start a preschool in Vermont, you DON’T need to be licensed in Vermont if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 1 other family
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Vermont. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 6 if “Family Childcare Homes License” or 12 if “Licensed Programs”
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:6 or 1:12 (see above)
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 800-649-2642
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Virginia Preschool License
To start a preschool in Virginia, you DON’T need to be licensed in Virginia if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 4 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Virginia. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 10
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:10
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 800–543–7545
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Washington Preschool License
To start a preschool in Washington, you DON’T need to be licensed in Washington if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes for less than 4 hours at a time (i.e. you can have up to two 4-hr. classes per day)
Four-hour classes are a bit long for preschoolers; the ideal length is 2 ½ hours per class. If you meet these criteria, you do not need a license in the state of Washington. However, if you want to look into your state’s licensing guidelines for any other purpose, they can be found here.
West Virginia Preschool License
To start a preschool in West Virginia, you DON’T need to be licensed in West Virginia if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 3 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of West Virginia. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 6 if “Family daycare home license” or 12 if “Family Childcare Facility”
- Do your children count toward that #? Yes, if ages 0-6, and at home during class
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:6 or 2:12
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 304-558-1885
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Wisconsin Preschool License
To start a preschool in Wisconsin, you DON’T need to be licensed in Wisconsin if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 3 preschoolers at one time (your children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Wisconsin. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 8
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5-year olds: 1:8
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 608-422-7400
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Wyoming Preschool License
To start a preschool in Wyoming, you DON’T need to be licensed in Wyoming if your preschool operates solely within one of these criteria:
- You ONLY teach online preschool OR
- You ONLY teach classes of up to 1 child (your own children DO NOT count toward that #)
If you don’t meet the above criteria, you DO need to be licensed in the state of Wyoming. Here is the fast information you need to get started:
- Max # of preschoolers you can teach in one class: 10 if “Family Childcare Home” or 15 if “Family Childcare Center”
- Do your children count toward that #? No
- Staff to Child Ratio for 3-5 year olds: 1:10 or 1:15 (see above)
- Degree required to get licensed: None
- Experience required to get licensed: None
When you are ready to get licensed, here is the information you need:
- Find your state’s licensing website here
- Call your state’s licensing department here: 307-777-7564
- Ask your licensor these questions when you talk to them
For full licensing guidelines, see the guidelines here
Mary Weiss
I love, love, love it. This is so amazing to me. I remember applying for my childcare license over 10 years ago. After 2 days worth of phone calls trying to get to the actual person (there was only 1 person to handle this process at that time) who took care of the application process for childcare licensing, I had to wait 5 days before I received a thick packet of over 150 pages that I had to read through because I wasn’t sure what readings was relevant to my situation and what wasn’t. Then before I could complete and turn in my 12 page application, I was required to take 30 hours of specific Early Childhood educational courses, and submit those certificates and business plans along with my application, only then the state would schedule my finger printing / background check, and finally schedule my home inspection. The process was very confusing and time consuming, especially with the internet not being like it is today (I had dial up at that time). With this system, 99.9% of everything can be found in one place. What an awesome resource. Thanks Joy!
Christine Marte
I love the questions to think about and that I can go right to my state and see that I don’t need licensing under 4 hours! No looking around all over the internet and making phone calls.
Ashley Gallien
I have never seen such need to know information so thoroughly explained and so extremely easy to understand!
You can definitely use this info to guide in the right steps whether you are familiar with the industry or not!
Rehanna Allen
Man! Such helpful information! All for free?!! Geeezzzz!!
Brittany Klop
Wow! this was put together so well. I love how it is laid out and easy to find the information you need.
Allisen Brownell
Are you kidding me!?! You have made this step go from nightmare to doable. Thank you for putting this all together and averting questions I didn’t know to ask. Wonderful!
Rhonda McCarthy
Joy has taken all the guess work out for you.
seeta khan
This makes my dream come to life., I always wanted my own school but never know where or how to start but this makes it all possible for me.
Cathy Terrell
Although I do not need a license as I am doing online preschool, I am very appreciative of this page as I do have aspirations of opening a local preschool a few years down the road. Once again, when I get to that point, I don’t have to spin my wheels trying to figure out what I need to do to become licensed, Joy has provided me with everything I need to know at the click of a mouse!
Dana Burton
This guide offers a tremendous amount of support. I went through this guide for future reference when I open my local preschool. This guide is a one stop shop. It has everything you need and all unanswered questions you may have about licensing.
Elizabeth Wright
I love the 10 questions to ask your state licensing department. It’s very thorough! Also the simplicity of finding your states licensing requirements with a quick scroll and a click is awesome!! What a time saver! Thank you so much for putting this together! It takes all the headache out of getting licensed!
This is good to know. I am a preschool teacher with a K-5 elementary cert, Teacher of the Handicapped which is preschool through 12. A masters and a supervisor certification. I am curious to learn what other license I would need to start my own preschool. Helpful resource!!
So many questions raced and ran through my head as I began to say wow do I have to have this or that , what about a license?! I happen to keep reading and learned that everything was already here! I then did more research from the info shared through your book and it further confirmed I’m ok without a license!!! Thanks so much for the everything
Darlene Williamson
Useful information.
Nicky Cook
It’s all here! Every state! Every question! This is one of the toughest hurdles to jump over if you have to dig for all that information yourself. It’s all here and so easy to find what you need to do or don’t need to do.
This complete guide is AMAZING!!! I agree with starting this process sooner rather than later because depending on your state it could take longer.
Lisa Wigdor
Great information to help prepare to obtain a license for preschool
April B
I was familiar with the guidelines for Alabama but I didn’t know about the online preschool guidelines! This is great information! I will definitely share this information! Thank you so much!
Naomi W
Like the others commenting on this site, my jaw is dropping at the time extended to make this resource available. Thank you!
Saimah Hameeduddin
The fact that this is so specific and is relevant for each state is mind blowing. Thank you once again, Joy and team.
Bryonna Harrington
I remember when I first started building out all what my preschool what be, everyone had licensing questions. That was a big hurdle for many, but everything is laid out here! Every question you think you might would ever ask is answered here! InValuable info here, I mean Priceless! I can’t believe something like this exists! Thank you.
Jack Pot !!!! I really like this article and the easy to follow directory that’s lists each state And all the information for free amazing!!!! Included in article state by state directory this information is so helpful if you need to get lisc . Wow! true time saver 😊😊 , The added golden nuggets of information , really get those wheels turning get you thinking about What time you want your personal program , to start and finish , and what is actually age appropriate and realistic for preschoolers. This is so very helpful and informative , so your not over committing. Thank you 😊 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Lisa Lucas
I love this so much because it helped me get everything I needed with no questions ask. I didn’t have to search or go through several sites! It’s right there!!!
Shana Weldon
Everything you need to know is all right here! You have made it plain & clear regardless of where you live.
Mya Phillips
This is absolutely phenomenal!! This information is priceless. Wow, WoW, WOW!!! The thoughtfulness in this right here leaves me speechless!
Joy providing these resources lifted a tremendous burden off as this was the scariest thinking of licensing. I’ll have all the necessary information when the times comes for me to open a physical business. Everything at your fingertips to be successful. Appreciative.
YummYee’ Cary-Boyd
One-stop-shop… Nothing left out. So very easy to navigate through and lots of key information needed to be successful.
Thank You for ALL the work you put in this to give to anyone that wants to do an exceptional preschool. You left nothing to the unknown. You are a power-house and Thank You for sharing ALL your knowledge with the world🌎🌻💛🌼💋
Lori Sekol
This information is very thorough, and I’m sure it took many hours to get all the details necessary. I like the way it is organized and easy to find. Online preschool is ideal because for most states, degrees and licenses are not required.
I’m so very grateful for all your knowledge
Such an amazing resource! truly has it all!
Becky Hellebust
I loved the way you had links for each state and a list for their licensing. So helpful!
Wow! There are a lot of questions I hadn’t even thought of before I read this post!
LisaRenee Fogarty
Eureka! This guide that is state by state….to help you figure out the maze that is lisencing. THE FEE LIST IS VERY ACCURATE.
Valerie W.
I am speechless!!!
The added value that you have provided on the website are completely unmatched anywhere else on the web. Thank you for making the vital information needed accessible and concise. Most importantly, thank you for making so much content absolutely free to the reader.
This is amazing:-)
This information at our fingertips is just amazing. Trying to understand your states laws can be so overwhelming.
Tiffanie Watts
WOW, you have really done your homework here! How wonderful to have everything in one place.
Paula Farris
There is SO much to know about becoming a licensed preschool in each state. This resource is worth $100’s of dollars, if not more! Such valuable information all throughout this site!
Steph Gonzalez
Another nugget of Preschool Gold! Thank you for this extremely valuable information! And you have spelled everything out in simple form for us to use. Thank you, seriously, thank you for the amount of time and the detail you incorporated into this article and this website. Should have got the domain, PreschoolGold instead. Because this website is quite the Preschool Goldmine! Thank you once again for the dedication incorporated in this and in everything Preschool.
Jessica Brown
When my mom and I were getting our daycare licensed many years ago this was all so overwhelming. What a nice list of information. I know this will be helpful to people!!
Getting so excited to start incorporating all of this free knowledge into my home! This is all almost too good to be true! Thank you for this site!
Fantastic! The breakdown of each state’s individual requirements for licensing or not and the steps needed to acquire it is phenomenal! This whole process can be very stressful and having this information to direct you into the right path is priceless.
What an invaluable resource!! There’s nothing like this out there ANYWHERE! Absolutely AMAZING!! Thank you!!
This information is so valuable! Joy has compiled everything in one place! This makes it sooo easy for anyone interested to start their own preschool. Such an amazing resource!
Meena S (Meena A on FB)
Most thorough list by state of requirements surrounding the issue of licensing of preschools. Love the list of questions to ask the state to verify information and be sure we operate in accordance with the law.
***The most rewarding thing is if one opts to establish and maintain an preschool online – NO LICENSE is REQUIRED!
Jessica Coon
I had no idea that you didn’t need a license to teach online preschool. Great organized list of things to do to get started in one place.
Linda Kutner
WOW!!! Ok my mind is officially blown away!!! I’m speechless!! This is absolutely amazing!! The amount of detailed information for licensing in each state! This will help so many get their license for starting their preschool
Kathlene Burton
I love this Guide! I spent so many hours reaching out to local agencies and trying to decipher their answers, that it seemed no one understood what I was looking for. This resource is AMAZING and if I had access to this wealth of information I could have spent more time doing what mattered to my preschool and my family than on the phone hoping for someone to be able to answer my questions!
Linda Morin
All the information in one place, for every state???
Wow! Thank you!
John, Achele Victoria
Very detailed and helpful,
I love how detailed this list is! Very helpful!
Cordelia Nkembo
The data given in this article is tremendous? It gives every step that is needed in acquiring a license for a preschool, online and local. Very glad to have this guide which will make it less difficult when applying for a preshool license. I love the information!
Debbie Serrano
Great info as it is hard to find specifics about you rstate requirements
Your website really is designed to set others up for success. Thank you for all the effort you put into this! I’m feeling more and more confident about the possibility of my own preschool!
I needed this two years ago, I got so frustrated trying to put together this information I just gave up. Now its right here in print waiting for when I need it. Thank you Joy!
Denyse Martinez
I love how the information for licensing is all in one place. You don’t have to jump around to multiple websites to get answers to your licensing questions. You can look under your state to see if a license is required, for teaching preschool in your state.
It also, answers frequently asked questions that a local preschool business owner, might have. This information is a valuable tool & resource.
Courtney Priest
Thank you for your notes!
Cyndi Baker
So helpful and I have thought of 1/3 of these questions. Well-laid out.
I love the info given! Is there more information on licensing you can give? While I plan to start online, I do eventually want to go into local and need to know more!”
Charon Davis
Now this left a mark for me. The breakdown of licensing for each state cut down lots of time and takes the most consuming phone conversations away!
Great information if you’re considering opening you’re own preschool. More complete than some college courses.
Karen James-Wilson
This site really has made the process more simple than I had originally thought. I was not even aware that South Carolina doesn’t require a license for what I’m trying to do, so I’ve been holding my own self back, trying to accomplish things I was not aware I didn’t need.
This is very helpful, thank you.
So helpful! This is always such a complicated part of any new endeavor.
Licensing was an important thing for our preschool (we’re in Indiana). I was very grateful the state provided a liaison to help me stay on track and do the next right thing. This article walks through so many things she helped me think through or plan for. Thanks for sharing!
Kerry P
These resources are a must use. They cut your time in half trying to find all the information you need. Use these and be happy they are offered. A lot of time and research went into it and you get it for free? Wow!
Sue Koxlien
I love how easy it was to find my state and the information I need. It’s good to know that if someone wanted to start an online preschool in my state, that does not require a license.
This is an amazing website!! Well done!! ❤️
Mireddy Benet
Amazing list for anyone thinking or even considering starting a preschool.
Brittany Klabunde
Wow this is a true guide! I am so thankful to have found this information as my husband and I vision cast, it’s helpful to know the logistics!
Pamela black
This is help information for any one person who never worked in the child care or preschool field.
A little heads up though…. make sure the license information is up to current standards. There has been a lot of changes with child care licenses in the last few years and now with covid 19. So be sure check to with your states local department of health and human services that governor child care and schools.
As a Ohio resident, you DO need to be licensed as a center if your preschool is in home resident and as well if you program is in a commercial building or organization building i.e. a church, school or recreation center.
Check the website for info. Or Ohio dept. Of job and family service , as well as Ohio department of educational website for info.
Ohio has a resource and referral agency that helps provider and educators 4C services and Ohio resources and referrals agency
Keep in mind, laws , policies and procedures change often , especially in a time the world is experiencing a pandemic due covid 19!!!
Jessica Hunt
Thank you so much for compiling all we need to find our state and what’s required. This is such great information that would have taken me weeks to find and sort through.
Licensing can be so overwhelming, but not anymore! I LOVE that you can just find your state and all the info you need is right there!
Susan Pelofske
Really helpful page! Good to know & have easily accessible for each state.
Nikida Norman
Again great information that outside of this platform is a bit difficult to locate! Streamlined and easy to follow format, allow Joy to take all the guesswork out of starting your own preschool business! And of course, it’s best to do it right the first time and avoid any issues down the road.
Eilleen de Guzman
I was so skeptical about starting and this answered all of my wavering questions. So glad to have these resources just in case anyone ask me about any of this stuff.
Kia Gray
If you are struggling to start an online or local preschool, this is the best way to go. It is simple to follow! I had my license before I started but I went back and found out more information.
Karisa Day
This is a nice one stop to find out the business side of starting a preschool business. My favorite part is if I decide to move to another state and want to take my preschool/kindergarten with me, I can check here and see how that state differs in mine in terms of licensing. This will make the process a lot smoother when I know what exactly I am required to do.
Madiha Siddiqui
I love how you have laid out the licensing requirements for each state. This is gold! I had gotten my childcare license when living in California and I had no one to hold my hand through the process at the time. It is very helpful to have this kind of supportive resources available.
This site gives you licensing requirements by state! Wow! If you visit this site you are truly set up for success.
Marilyn S. Galicia
This page is indeed very helpful… Thank you so much Joy and the entire team!
I will germinate my “mustard seed” physical preschool in Arizona…
Jennifer Satterwhite
This resource is much needed when trying to get license and the questions is handed to you. Outstanding work! I am so ready to jump into the site.
Amanda Lindsay
This site is makes something that seems to be so daunting, simple.
Monique Reycasa
This state-by-state guide answers all the questions anyone may have when opening a local preschool! This go to one-stop spot is so helpful and full of resources and who to get in contact with if you have any other questions. Thank you for the detailed information I can pass on to other prospective people who are interested in learning about more!
This resource alone is worth its weight in gold! This can be one of the most stressful chores to starting a preschool, but to have all the info to every single state right here in one easy to find, at your fingertips place, is a complete life and sanity saver.
Monique Moreno
This is great information!! If anyone is looking to start a preschool this is a great place to start as it answers any question you might have about your state. I love how everything is in one spot so you’re not searching the internet for hours trying to find answers. Plus you know that these are correct because it’s been done many times by multiple people. You’re one-stop to starting your own preschool!
Oloniluyi Opeyemi Abosede
This is superb. This will serve as a guide for those looking forward to have their own Preschool.
Thanks for sharing.
Angel Sarmiento
This is like an awakening to know this information. Very helpful and impowering!
Jalissa Michelle
Wow, just wow! This literally gives you ALL the steps you need to get started in your specific state!! This is fantastic!
Catherine Parks
When I was looking into this I was and still am so terrified of license but the state too state license is so easy to do that there’s no fear except for being denied your license and so far that hasn’t happened to anyone because you have it laid out step bye step to do that the paperwork always goes through it’s so amazing ❤️
Catrina Mathews
This is a very SIMPLE way to find license requirements for your state!!
Eboni Griffith
All I do is click my state and I know exactly what’s needed to start my business. This is AWESOME!
This is what l call spoon feeding, just taking while restriction. All done to answer all your curiosity.
Bertha Rivero
AHHH! this is like the fear of all fears when you don’t know what are the state’s licensing requirements. I do recall back in my days, just hearing the word license, was like going into hibernation. I am glad I now know all this valuable information from this website and because I did joined All Stars Preschool Team!
Sammy Bohannon
This state-by-state information is perfect for anyone looking into starting a preschool. I can’t believe you put all of this information in one place! It is absolutely amazing.
Samico Chilton
Having the resources for each state on how to get a license is truly a blessing. Thank you, Joy 😊
Carrie Cook
Such valuable information!
Probably the most unknown too. I’m glad to have all this is one spot!
This is a great resource for those who have to pick up their business and move! You do not have to spend painstaking hours finding resources in your new state! Let me tell you when I wanted to be a daycare owner It was a hassle knowing where to go and who I needed to talk with to get licensing so much so that I never followed through. These resources provided to me as a new preschool business owner have proven to be very valuable as I can now use my time for what I love doing the most and that is to TEACH!
Brenda Morgan
No matter what state you live in, there is information for you. What can it hurt? If you ever dreamed about owning your own preschool, here are the resources to help you start your journey!
Yes, great info here! It is SO, SO IMPORTANT to pay attention to your state’s licensing requirements. One of my friends shares her story- DCFS showed up at her door and shut her down immediately for unknowingly having too many children in her home. They told her she needed to become licensed or face a $14K fine if she reopened again! They worked with her to get her licensed in just a few months and her families all came back when she re-opened. If anything had happened to a child in her care, her homeowners insurance wouldn’t have covered anything. So scary!
There are other perks to becoming licensed, too! The federal and state gov’s are offering grants to help offset the cost of increasing costs of EVERYTHING nowadays.
If you’re open enough hours and serve snacks/meals look into the FDA food program for food cost reimbursement! I use Illinois Child Care Bureau. Such a blessing to be able to serve great quality fresh fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains w/o blowing my budget!
Joy Gibson
Online Preschool no license that is for me! And I can still teach and connect with families!
Morgan Carlson
So incredibly helpful!
Susan Drexel
This is a huge resource and one that I would not have known where to start with. This saved me probably days if not weeks of research! Thank you!
Valerie David
For anyone looking for information on your state in starting a preschool, this is the right place for you with all the info in one place. No need to go searching it’s all right here.
Judith Bical Morano
Really do love so many informations available on this site that will really helps a lot..
This is fantastic! Some much information to help get a good start on preschool process. Love it too much 💖
Sharonda Gray
I’m truly blown away by how much information is available to anyone who needs resources on how to get started in preschool all on one site. Thank you for your vision….it is a real blessing!!
Love the state info
Sharonda Gray
I’m truly blown away by how much information is available to anyone who needs resources on how to get started in preschool all on one site.