If your preschool classes aren’t full, you’ve probably heard us say this before: “It’s time to go into beast mode!” What do we mean by that? Simply put: If your preschool classes aren’t full, you are losing money EVERY SINGLE MONTH so it’s time to go into beast mode and market like crazy to get them full!
This marketing section is by far the most difficult step for anyone to get through. Why? Because marketing means you’re finally going out on that limb, putting yourself out there, and preparing yourself for either rejection or success. Let’s just get this out of the way real fast: You’re going to be rejected by some people. That’s life. There’s no way to get around it.
If you put out an offer, some people aren’t going to want it. And that’s okay! They aren’t your target market, and they would never buy it anyways. The goal is to help you get in front of more of your target market so their “Yes, I do want to sign my child up!” responses outweigh any Negative Nancies or naysayers on your journey.
Marketing is literally the one step that we know you are going to be the most afraid to take. “What if no one signs up?” “What if someone does sign up!?!” It shifts you from the “Oh this is fun!” stage into the “Oh this is real” stage, and for some of you, that’s a terrifying feeling. It feels like you’re about to sit down in a racing car, unsure if it will crash or take you to your actual destination. But you know one thing for sure: There’s no turning back!
We just have to let you know: we know exactly how you feel. For the past 10 years, we’ve been putting ourselves out there, always slightly fearful of failing… and succeeding. We think it’s mostly being scared of the unknown. But the more we did something, the more known it became to us.
So let us share this one nugget of wisdom with you, please. We’ve been teaching women how to start preschools for over 10 years. We’ve personally helped over 1,000 women start their own preschools. And let us tell you this: You’re no different than them. We don’t say that to be rude;
We say that to remind you that I’ve seen it all: every marketing campaign that has worked and every one that has flopped. And it wasn’t because of the city, the location, the niche, or the preschool owner. The reasons the campaigns flopped were because the preschool owners GAVE UP!
The campaigns that worked weren’t because of some perfectly written wording or an out of this world preschool owner… the campaigns succeeded because the preschool owner didn’t give up! They continued to test, tweak, and try out new things until something finally worked!
Will marketing be the hardest step you’ll ever take?
But not for the reason you think. You think it’s the hardest because you’ve trying to get people to pay you money. That’s the easy part. Offer your target market a service they need at a price they can afford in a way that makes them want to buy: easy.
But the hard part is overcoming your own mental roadblocks. The ones that make you want to give up, to give in, and to question your own abilities. That is the hard part, and that is why you need us. You need a community to surround you with support, cheerleading, and motivation to keep you moving forward.
So if your preschool classes aren’t full, the ONLY THING I want you to do is KEEP GOING! You can still dive back into all of our Marketing Strategies and tips and keep doing them until they work!
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