If you want to register your preschool business name, you’ve probably heard somewhere you need to get a DBA.
Business Name Registration is required in many states (or at the city or county level.) This lets the state know that you will be transacting business under your chosen business name and gives you the legal right to do so.
To register your preschool business name, you’ll file a form called “Doing Business As” (DBA). In other words, Jane Doe is “Doing Business As” Butterflies Preschool. In your state, the DBA form might be called something else like:
- Fictitious business name (FBN) or fictitious firm name
- Assumed business name (ABN) or alternate name
- Trade name
Naming a business is more difficult than naming a child! Speak now, or forever hold your peace… as this will be your last chance to change your name.
It matches your preschool niche
- Every preschool should have a niche (or a focus). For more information, check out this great article 34 Preschool Niches to Make Your Preschool Unique.
- It should be no more than 2-3 words, including the word “Preschool,” “Pre-K”, or “Academy” at the end (NOTE: My preference is you don’t use the word Academy unless you have to; I prefer Preschool or Pre-K – it says which ages you teach.)
- The 1-2 words in front of the word “Preschool” should be one of these descriptors: the geographical location of your local preschool, the focus/niche of your preschool, a happy word, a variation of your name, or a NOUN that a child would have fun playing with or learning about
- Avoid words such as “tiny,” “loving,” “little” “angels,” “child,” etc. (no daycare words) – don’t use the word “little” or “tiny” in relation to a body part (little hearts)
- Click to brainstorm names: here and here and here and here and here
It works with your state
- If you live in NY, there are restrictions on using the words “preschool” “school” “pre-k” or “academy.” Instead, use “K-Prep.”
- If you live in NH, there are restrictions on using the word “preschool.” Instead, use “Academy” or “K-Prep.”
- If you live in any other state than NY or NH there are no restrictions and you can use the words “preschool” “school” “pre-k” and/or “academy”.
It’s not taken by someone else
- It should not be similar to another preschool in your area or online, or similar to a well-known preschool or brand
- To search your state to see if it’s been taken or not, go to your Secretary of State’s website for your state. Look for something called “Doing Business As” or “Assumed Business Name” or “Registered Business Name.” You should be able to search for your preschool’s name on your state’s business name database.
- If you find another business that has a similar name, but they are in a different city, your state might still let you use that name. However, they will definitely not grant you permission if there is a business with the same name in the same city. (i.e. Butterflies Daycare vs. Butterflies Preschool)
It’s truly unique
When searching for your business name on the Secretary of State’s website, you need to ensure it is truly unique. (Don’t despair, there are a lot of good ones out there!) NOTE: These things do NOT differentiate it from other registered business names:
- Endings like LLC, Limited Liability Company, etc. (we will explain what this means later)
- i.e. If someone has Butterflies Preschool, you can’t have Butterflies Preschool, LLC (and vice versa)
- Words like “a,” “the,” “&,” or even a hyphen “-“
- i.e. Butterflies Pre-K vs. Butterflies PreK
- Making a word singular or plural
- i.e. Bullfrog and Butterfly vs. Bullfrogs and Butterflies
- Making a word possessive by adding an ‘s
- i.e. Baker’s vs Baker
- Combining or separating words
- i.e. Pre School vs. Preschool
It doesn’t include “filler” words
Later, we will have you register the ROOT business name for your preschool WITHOUT the word ONLINE or VIRTUAL in it. So when you are searching, you need to search for your business name WITHOUT the word online or virtual in it. (i.e. If your preschool name is Butterflies Preschool Online, then search for Butterflies Preschool)
If you’re a Sole Proprietor, you can register your business name with the Secretary of State’s website. If you’re an LLC, you need to form your LLC to register your DBA. To learn more about how to do that, check out this great article on How to Get a LLC for Your Preschool.
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