As you’re creating your preschool teacher handbook, we hope that this example will help you create your own quickly! Some of these have detailed instructions (which we have left in so you can see what we included; you can modify as needed) and others are less detailed so you can add in your own information.
- Respond to parent phone calls/texts promptly
- Update materials for new students as needed (names on coat rack, welcome board, birthday list, job chart, wall art, etc.)
- Newsletter: Finish it by the last day of each month
- Receipts: Due monthly (turn in to the Director box)
- Portfolios: Leave all assembled portfolios in classroom by last day
- Teacher Binders: Leave on classroom table by last day
- Staff meetings
- When Preschool Assessments are due
- When you get paid for payroll and supply checks and how to turn in receipts
- Teacher activities (Teacher Retreat, Christmas Party, Pedicures, etc.)
- Professional Development training
- Monday: Teacher Retreat
- Tuesday: Pediatric CPR/1st Aid (Everyone must be re-certified every 2 years)
- Staff meetings are held monthly on Tuesday evenings from 7-8 p.m.
- To fulfill our licensing requirements, each teacher must receive at least (4) hours of additional training (these 4 hours are not paid)
- The Director will arrange a training session (based on the needs of the teachers) so all teachers can attend together
- If unable to attend the training, you will need to attend an approved training on your own (see trainings available online)
- Be sure to check the “Licensing Hours” on any class before you take it; make sure any (or all) classes add up to at least 4 hrs
- Get training certificate(s) from the course instructor and put it in the Director box
- The Director will reimburse you up to $50 for the cost of any approved training course (if you’re unable to attend our training).
You can review this article for more information about a Preschool Teacher Dress Code.
To promote consistency in the classroom, teachers agree to teach all of their classes. However, we understand family situations come up and teachers get sick. This policy helps ensure we have adequate substitutes on hand for you and does not put a strain on our substitute list.
- Absenteeism Policy: It is our hope that you will not request any days off, but we do allow you to request up to 4 sick or personal days per school year (if you teach alternating days such as T_TH or M_W_F) or up to 9 sick or personal days per school year (if you teach every day M-F).
- Sickness Policy:
- Teachers must be clear of fever, vomiting, and diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to work.
- The teacher should inform the Director as soon as he/she realizes he/she will be unable to work. If during the night, a text to the Director is appropriate. If you have not notified the Director prior to 5:50 a.m., you would be expected to work that day.
- Personal Days:
- Teachers may take off personal days for occasions such as grandchildren being born, funerals, important family occasions, and family emergencies.
- The teacher should inform the Director as soon as he/she learns of the date(s) needed off.
- Sickness Policy:
- Maternity Leave:
- The teacher should inform the Director of her upcoming pregnancy as soon as she feels comfortable telling others (but no later than 20 weeks). The teacher will try to work as much of the pregnancy as possible, and the Director will find a substitute to take over the teacher’s class(es) when the teacher is no longer able to teach. The Director will discuss with the teacher her options for returning after the delivery based on when the delivery occurs during the school year.
- If you become ill during teaching:
- Notify the Director immediately. The Director will either take over the class or will cancel the class. When the Director arrives or all the children are picked up, you may go home.
- Cell Phones
- Please keep your cell phone on your person at all times, with the ringer either on or on vibrate. If you’re accustomed to receiving a lot of personal calls or texts during the day, it’s better to leave your phone on silent, and check it before each class gets out to see if the Director or a parent has left a message. No personal calls or texts are allowed during class unless it’s an emergency.
- Occasionally, you might need to use your cell phone to contact parents who are 10 minutes late picking up their children, to relay information to other teachers as needed, or to call for help. You should inform the Director of any messages that he/she should be notified about, such as contagious diseases, payment questions, or any concerns, etc.
- Visitors
- Visitors must be approved by the Director.
- Social Media
- You are representing our preschool and we guarantee parents will look at your profiles. Please keep your social media posts clean.
- No posting pictures, stories, or personal information about our preschool students on social media.
- Child Abuse
- All staff members are required to report all suspicions of abuse or neglect to the Director. The teacher will then call Child Protective Services to report suspected abuse or neglect and follow CPS protocol.
- If you are accused of child abuse, you may be put on administrative leave pending investigation of the accusation and/or be removed from the classroom. Parents of suspected abused children may be notified, and parents of other children in the program may be contacted so that they may share any concerns they have had. However, no accusation or affirmation of guilt will be made until the investigation is complete. If found guilty of child abuse, you will be dismissed.
- All Day Preschool: M-F 7:15 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
- Advanced Pre-K:
- MWF 8:45-11:15 a.m./12:00-2:30 p.m.
- T_TH 8:45-11:15 a.m./12:00-2:30 p.m.
- Preschool:
- MWF 9-11:30 a.m./12:30-3:00 p.m.
- T_TH 9-11:30 a.m./12:30-3:00 p.m.
- Pre-K:
- MWF 9:15-11:45 a.m./12:15-2:45 p.m.
- T_TH 9:15-11:45 a.m./12:15-2:45 p.m.
- Thermostat
- The thermostat is located in the upstairs preschool room to the right; as you open the door it’s immediately on the wall on your left
- Generally, the temperature (heat or cool) should be set to 68 degrees (usually this will produce 72 degrees)
- NOTE: Once the temperature gets to 73 or above, it will be difficult to cool the room quickly, so if you see it get to 72 and it’s only noon, you should change it to COOL 68 degrees
- The temperature should remain as follows:
- May-September: COOL 68 degrees
- October-November:
- During this time period you’ll be switching from HEAT to COOL daily
- Too cold/hot in the room?
- Too cold: Switch it to HEAT 68 degrees
- Too hot: Switch it to COOL 68 degrees
- November-February: HEAT 68 degrees
- February-March: (Again, will be switching from HEAT to COOL daily)
- April-May: As soon as it won’t freeze overnight consistently, the thermostat should remain at: COOL 68 degrees
- The Advanced Pre-K teacher is in charge of making sure that when she goes home each day, the thermostat is set to the right temperature for the night (as seen above)
- Lights
- All light switches in the main entry should remain as is so the following lights stay on 24-7: (2) entry lights, front porch light, and carport lights
- Classroom lights should be turned off by the teacher at the end of the day and doors shut to maintain proper heating/cooling
- Locks
- Front door:
- Keep shut; be sure parents shut the door behind them
- Keep locked; lock must always be fully turned to right
- If you’re the last one leaving, check the handle after you leave
- Key code: changes every year in August
- NO ONE is to be given the key code except:
- Preschool families
- Those picking up preschool children
- Do not enter the key code in full view of strangers
- The key code will get you into the school at any time or any day of the week to work in your room
- NO ONE is to be given the key code except:
- Advanced Pre-K & All Day Preschool back doors:
- Should remain locked at all times but can be open while the class is out to recess
- Teacher should make sure it is locked before leaving
- Front door:
- Trash Cans
- On the street by side parking
- Teacher Parking
- In front of school: APK (closest to mailbox), Preschool (middle), and Pre-K (furthest from mailbox)
- On side of school: All Day Preschool
- Front Gate
- Keep shut
- Carport Rules
- Keep sand in sand play area
- Put away all toys in respective containers
- No chalk on anything but the carport floor and the driveway (no chalk on sidewalk where suns/hearts are)
- If playing with scooters: bottoms only and hold on to handles (no knees, standing on, or jumping over – NO EXCEPTIONS); also, no slamming into the fence at the bottom of the driveway (bumping into it is fine)
- Playground Rules
- Outside voices are ok, but no yelling or screaming
- Do head counts every 10 minutes
- Close sandbox cover so there is no sand showing
- Clean up toys after use
- Keep all sand in sandbox and bark in playground area
- No climbing up slides
- No toys on the playground structure
- Take out the outside trash each day in summer (or when it’s full in fall/winter)
- No chalk on anything but the concrete patio floor or chalkboards
- Dress appropriately, but if it’s too cold or hot for you to be outside, it’s too cold or hot for the kids
- Children must be able to go up the ladder on their own
- Gate on Ramp
- Keep gate unlocked at all times; if you have runners, pull up gate to lock it, then please unlock afterward
- Types of Classrooms
- Preschool (generally 3’s) – bottom right
- Pre-K (generally 4’s) – top right
- All Day Preschool (3-5’s) – bottom left
- Advanced Pre-K (4-5’s) – top left
- Rules
- No running in the classroom
- Indoor voices only
- Lofts:
- Only 3-4 friends (3 for Preschool, 4 for Pre-K)
- Only 1 friend on ladder at a time
- No playing in the “danger zone” (top by ladder)
- Children must be able to go up on their own
- Everyone keeps shoes on (except All Day during rest)
- Clean classroom daily; tours often held at end of day
- Take care of furniture/books/curriculum; we don’t replace them if broken
- Materials Inside Classrooms
- Class Boxes
- Includes the class’s roster on a clipboard
- Class Roster: Identify allergies & birthdays
- Child Release:
- Identify those who can pick up; add additional people as directed by Director or parent; only those on paper are allowed to pick up. If someone new comes to pick up and isn’t listed, call the parent or the Director if you can’t reach the parent.
- Unless court documents are provided, any custodial parent on the Child Release form is allowed to pick up the child. Any concerns? Call the police.
- Used only for materials to be sent home
- Check daily and empty the box
- If any items/flyers remain, write the child’s name on it who it belongs to
- Includes the class’s roster on a clipboard
- Director Box
- Put your receipts and tuition inside
- Clear out any items from the Director for you daily
- When a sub leaves a “How Was Your Day” paper, review it then throw it away
- Materials Box
- Student of the Month (put in Snack Bucket)
- Windows Into a Preschooler (for new students)
- Blank Envelopes (for you to turn in cash tuition and receipts)
- First Aid Kit
- Take with you in the case of an emergency
- Note your evacuation plan and two exits
- Fire Extinguisher
- Smoke Alarm (if chirping, batteries are in upstairs bathroom)
- Outlets (keep covered when not in use)
- Medicine Container
- Includes Band-Aids and thermometers
- Medicines must be kept with the medication authorization form in a sealed ziploc bag with the child’s name written on it
- Fridge
- Label each class’s snacks if needed
- Microwave
- Clean up your own messes
- Snack Buckets (not for All Day)
- Add a Student of the Month paper inside
- Send home Thursday/Friday with snack helper to return on Monday/Tuesday with 3 weeks’ snacks (if helper is not there, wait to send home)
- Snack List: The Snack List is posted right by the snack cabinets
- Snacks must be in closed containers off the floor to prevent ants
- Disinfectant Soap
- One squirt only; wipe off of the carpet if needed
- Cleaning Materials
- Disinfectant Spray
- Disinfectant wipes
- Broom/dustpan
- Vacuum
- Swiffer WetJet
- Class Boxes
- Soap & paper towels (one squirt, one towel per child please!)
- Cleaning Materials (keep out of reach of children)
- Disinfectant Wipes
- Windex
- Resolve/Brush
- Use if child has accident on the carpet. Remove debris, blot with paper towels, spray Resolve, brush into fibers, then blot dry with paper towels
- Magic Eraser
- Toilet bowl cleaner/brush
- Potty Accident Materials
- Change of Clothes (be sure to get these back after)
- Gloves
- Ziploc bags (for dirty clothes to send back with parents)
- Baby wipes
- Extra Adult Chairs
- Stored in the bathroom downstairs to the right.
- Rules
- Only one friend in the bathroom at a time
Please review this article about Preschool Developmental Delays or Disorders.
Please review this article about Common Preschool Behavior Problems.
- Small Trash Bags (for bathroom garbages)
- Ziploc bags
- Gloves
- Baby Wipes
- Band-Aids
- Batteries (AA for Swiffer and 9V for smoke alarm)
- Lightbulbs
- Handwashing soap & disinfectant soap
- Swiffer WetJet pads & cleaning solution
- Disinfectant wipes
- Disinfectant spray
- Toilet Paper
- Cups
- Fruit Snacks
- Paper Towels
- Kleenex
- Napkins
- Large Trash Bags (for classroom garbages)
- Windex
- Bleach
- Toilet Bowl Cleaner
You can review this article for more information about a Preschool Meet ‘n Greet.
- Children’s Artwork (not required but fun to do)
- Make a place for each child’s artwork on the wall
- Change out the artwork monthly
- This is a perfect way to collect your portfolio artwork!
- Coat Hooks
- Make a name tag for each child by class
- It’s handy to let each class have a different color/design
- Welcome Board
- Make a name card for each child
- For preschool, use all capital letters; for Pre-K and Advanced Pre-K, use title case (capital first, letter, then lowercase)
- The handwriting style should be similar to Zaner-Bloser and Handwriting Without Tears; you can use the free font Century Gothic
- Circle Time
- Calendar
- Weather Chart
- Job Chart
- Learning Materials
- Letters
- Numbers
- Number Line 0-20
- Colors
- Shapes
You can review this article for more information about a Preschool Class Schedule.
- Tour & Registration
- All interested families will attend a 30-minute tour inside the classroom where the Director will explain the program, answer questions, and register their child.
- All Written Communication
- To prevent confusion, (wrong dates, wrong times, wrong places, etc.) only the Director will send written materials home. Teachers should not send home any self-made notes to communicate upcoming activities, new activities that the teacher will create, requests for materials, or notes about a problem or accident that occurred to a child. Unless previously agreed upon by the Director, no additional activities will occur other than what is stated on the master calendar (i.e. no additional pajama parties, movie parties, etc.)
- Additional Communication
- Please let the Director know (via text is fine) if any family:
- Is concerned about their experience at preschool
- Is consistently late (i.e. 3+ minutes late all the time, or 10+ minutes late several times)
- Hasn’t been to school (you don’t know why)
- Preschool/Pre-K/APK: For 2 weeks
- All Day: For 3+ days
- Is going through a separation/divorce (“Dad’s house”)
- Has a child who has consistent accidents (1+/week)
- Has (or sibling has) a contagious disease (i.e. lice, hand/foot/mouth, influenza)
- Has a baby
- Has a student who is not doing well in the classroom and you need additional ideas on how to help the child
- Please let the Director know (via text is fine) if any family:
Please review this article about how to Communicate with Preschool Parents.
Please review this article about Preschool Parent Teacher Conferences.
Please review this article about Creating Portfolios for Preschool Assessment.
Please review this article about Preschool Health and Safety Policies.
As you create your preschool teacher handbook, we hope you have enjoyed this information so you can save time.
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