A home preschool has a small, cozy, family feeling to it. Your classes are held in your home which automatically makes it a more comfortable setting. But when you grow too large for the space your home allows and decide to relocate to a preschool center your families may be nervous. How do you grow out of your home preschool into a center without losing your families?
If you’re ready to grow out of your home preschool, we’ve got the best tips to keep your small cozy feeling as you expand into a center! And your preschool families will move right along with you!
Reassure Your Existing Families About Tuition Rate Increases
Obviously, you don’t want parents to pick their children up after their Thursday or Friday class and have you hand them a flyer with the address of the new location they’ll need to bring their children to on Monday or Tuesday. A transition to a new facility needs to be handled more gently than that.
One of their biggest concerns through this switch is that tuition rates will rise. If you are moving in the middle of the school, do not raise the rates for your existing families. If you are adding new classes at this time, you can set those rates higher, but assure your existing families that their rates will not change this school year.
Build Momentum
The idea of using this process is to build momentum. People don’t usually like change, but if you can build excitement around your growth, in addition to making your families feel like they are part of the process, it will be easier for them to make the transition with you.
Through all these steps, tell the parents that they are an important part of the process. Let them know you value their opinions and their feedback is important. Tell them you need to know how they want their child’s preschool to grow. Ask them what they would like for you to add to increase the value of their child’s preschool.
Use the words “journey” and “story”:
“We are excited that you get to join us on our journey as we grow…”
“You are an important part of our preschool story…”
These kinds of statements will make your preschool parents feel like they belong at your preschool, so even when you grow out of your home preschool into a center, you can do so without losing your families.
The Step By Step Process To Tell Your Families You Are Moving To A New Building
STEP 1: The Survey
The first thing to do when planning your move to a new facility is to give your parents a survey. At the top of the survey say: “We have this amazing opportunity to grow… We need to know how you want us to grow.” Then ask questions like:
- Are you interested in a:
- 2 hour class
- 2 ½ hour class
- 3 hour class
- Would you like us to add these things to your preschool experience? Check as many as apply:
- Scholastic Book Orders
- School Pictures
- Cap and Gown Pictures
- Class Pictures
- Portfolios of your student’s work
- End of the Year DVD’s
- Where would you like to go on you FREE family field trips?
STEP 2: Schedule a Facebook Live
Hand the surveys out after your Monday and Tuesday classes and tell your parents to return them at their next class (by the end of the week.) Tell them that the results of the survey will be revealed in one week on a very special Facebook Live.
On the Facebook Live event page the headline should say: “Join Us In Our Adventure As We Grow Into The Premiere Preschool In Our Community!” The description should say, “In this Facebook Live we’re going to find out the results of the survey and we’re going to tell you our big reveal about what’s going to be coming up for next school year!”
STEP 3: Compile survey results
After receiving the survey results from the parents, compile them over the weekend and have them ready for your Facebook Live.
STEP 4: Hand out a letter to your preschool families
After your Monday and Tuesday classes of the following week (right before your Facebook Live), hand out a letter to each family. In this letter tell them everything about this upcoming change.
In the letter say, “We are so excited about this new adventure that we are going to be embarking on as we grow into the premiere preschool in our area and you guys get to come along and see us grow and be part of this journey together! Join us on this [Day, Date, Time] Facebook Live [address of Facebook Live event.]
Also in the letter, say, “We are so excited about the changes we are going to implement for fall based on your feedback that you gave us in your survey!” If you will be hiring a teacher or adding any new classes include the details about those classes (days, times, rates, bio and picture of teacher, etc.)
At the bottom of the letter answer Frequently Asked Questions. Think about the questions your preschool parents are likely to ask and answer them in this letter. The idea is to get out in front of any possible questions or concerns.
One of the biggest questions parents will have is: Will tuition increase? Explain that yes, there will be a slight increase in tuition rates, tell them the new rate, then say, “But in addition to your child’s preschool classes we are adding—Then list the results of the survey.
Remind them in the letter of why you give so much to them. Tell them that it is always your goal to overdeliver. Tell them about some of the ways you have invested in your preschool and in their child’s education. “This school year:
- We purchased the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum
- We’ve given you free field trips and events
- We’re going to have an amazing graduation!
Build up the value of everything you’ve already given your preschool parents. So they feel special and are thinking, “Wow! What an amazing preschool program we are in!” And that that experience will be even more so in the fall!
STEP 5: Do a Facebook Live
Start the Facebook Live on time. Have lots of energy. Be excited about your plans and about sharing them with your preschool families. Be sure to answer any additional questions they may have before you end the meeting.
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