Every state is different but adding a transitional kindergarten or private kindergarten into your preschool could provide you with an extra stream of income! Here’s what you need to know.
What Is A Transitional Kindergarten And Who Does It Serve?
Every school district has rules of how old a child must be to start kindergarten. They also have a cut off date that says something like: “Children must have a birthday that falls on or before [a certain date.]” If a child’s birth date falls after that date, they usually have to wait an entire other school year to enter kindergarten.
So, this means that if the cut off date for the school district is September 1st and the child’s birthday is September 15th, October 12th, or November 25th they will have to wait until the following Fall to start school. But what if the child is ready for kindergarten now? Do they still have to wait, and be so much older than their classmates next year?
Some districts will let children take a test if they miss the cut off by a few weeks, but not all districts offer that option, and usually if their birthday is later than that, they won’t be able to take the test. That’s where your transitional kindergarten comes in!
Check With Your Local School District Before Starting A Private Kindergarten
Check with your local school district about the rules for kindergarten in your state. Here are some questions to ask:
- Is kindergarten required in this state?
- Do I need to have a degree to teach kindergarten in this state?
- If so, what kind of degree?
- How old does a child have to be to start kindergarten?
- If a child’s birthday falls after the cutoff date, can the child be tested to see if they can enter kindergarten early?
- If a child has attended a private kindergarten, would that child be automatically admitted to first grade the next school year?
- Would the child be able to take a test to determine their readiness for 1st grade?
- Or would they be required to start the year in a kindergarten class with the possibility of moving to a 1st grade class after a month or two?
- Is there a requirement of how many days a week a kindergarten class must meet?
- Is there a requirement of how many hours a day a kindergarten class must meet?
- Are there any requirements about what must be taught in kindergarten?
Why Starting a Private Kindergarten Is A Great Idea!
There are not too many transitional kindergartens, but for a parent who wants their child to start kindergarten before the school district allows them to do so, it can be a great option. Because there are so few private kindergartens, if your state and district laws allow you to start one, they can be a great way to increase the income of your preschool.
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