If you’re looking to host a preschool teacher retreat before school starts, these ideas will help to create a fun experience for everyone!
- Buy a bunch of snacks
- Text the teachers a quick reminder the night before plus asking them to bring their own drink
- Pack the car with:
- Teacher Binders
- 1 Clipboard of Child Release/Sign Out Sheet example
- Snacks
- Supply checks already written out and in sealed envelopes
- Set up training room 30 minutes prior to training
- Push tables together in classroom
- Arrange black folding chairs as needed for each teacher
- Temperature of school building
- Always check front/back doors and gates are closed
- Keep recess area clean; cover sandbox; only bottom on scooters
- Keep phones on silent during class; no phone use except to talk to Director or parents
- Confidentiality: no talking about other families
- No gossiping and no talking bad about others (concerns go to Director)
- Supply checks
- Use this first supply check on stock-up art supplies
- Save and turn in receipts monthly in an envelope to Director box
- Future supply checks will be mailed to you each month by 15th
- Review new items below in handbook in detail, but touch lightly on each item in handbook as you go through so they know where to look when they have questions (they need to read entire handbook before school starts)
- This year’s key code: ____________
- Staff Meeting Dates: What works best for everyone?
- Training Date in September for 4 hours: Best day/time?
- How much time you can take off and how to request it
- If student have behavior concerns
- Health/Safety Protocols
You can see the full Preschool Cleaning Supplies and Paper Goods Supplies article here.
- Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, hand soap, napkins, Kleenex, cups, paper towels, trash bags, bandaids, batteries, light bulbs
- Cleaning supplies (Swiffer/disinfectant wipes/disinfectant spray, toilet, Magic Eraser, Windex)
- Accident materials (extra clothes, diaper wipes, gloves, Ziploc bags for wet clothes)
- Fruit snacks for allergy kids
- Any 5-day kids?
- Any medical or other conditions to note?
- Any medicines that will be at the school? Do we have Medical Authorization Forms on file for them?
- Any concerns with potty training?
- There’s going to be accidents; you’re responsible for changing them
- Make sure everyone goes potty half-way through class (3’s)
- Notes on family dynamics
- Anyone going through divorces?
- Any custody documents on file?
- If anyone comes to pick up a child not on the list, you go into school with child without other person. Then you call Mom first to confirm OK; then Dad if needed. If can’t reach either, call Director.
- Any allergies?
- Nut free classrooms (Do we have their have epi pens? If not we need to get at meet ‘n greet; will place epi pens in labeled bags in medicine container by each classroom door)
- What worked well the previous year that you want to make sure we continue this year?
- What didn’t work well; how we could fix it
- Recess schedule (find it in Teacher Handbook)
- Hand out calendars: Discuss all elements of year
- Go over Calendar
- Parent Appreciation: Tell them what day(s) gifts need to go home (TH/FR before Mother’s Day)
- Fill out sub paper – ask each teacher:
- What days do you need off this year?
- What days/times are you available to sub?
- How can we share materials this year?
- Teachers can share materials between classrooms by talking to each other about what they want to share
- Theme-based Totes
- How can we involve parents more? They can:
- Prep at home
- Volunteer in class
- Share a talent
- What can we do if a parent isn’t very cordial toward you or something seems off like maybe they’re upset?
- Try to catch that parent at pickup time and say something nice their child did that day
- Bring it up to Director if it seems super off and she needs to reach out to them
- Take teacher pictures (if still need for website) on way out the door
- Ask teachers to wrap up their things if they are leaving after restaurant; if they are coming back to the Schoolhouse to talk to each other or look at classrooms they can leave their things
- (Usually there will be more questions asked during lunch which will prompt more discussion and collaboration)
- After lunch is over, put the classroom back together
We hope these ideas about how to host a preschool teacher retreat before school starts are helpful!
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