Show ‘n Tell has become an expected part of being in a preschool classroom. Children often look forward to it with excitement, but for other preschoolers and their families it can be a source of stress. This is especially true when too much emphasis is put on sharing personal possessions, such as new toys. What you do during your preschool show ‘n tell can help support your preschoolers’ social-emotional and language skills, as well as boost their confidence.
When a child participates in show ‘n tell the item they choose does not necessarily have to come from their home. As long as they have something that they would like to share with their classmates about the item, it does not matter where it comes from. Maybe one of your preschoolers is really excited about fall and finds a beautiful fall leaf on the ground. They could bring the leaf in for show ‘n tell! They could tell their classmates all about where they found the leaf, what color it is, and anything else that they know or notice about the leaf.
Your preschoolers can find items to share during Show ‘n Tell just about anywhere. They can find items in nature, at home, or even from right in the classroom. This will take a lot of pressure off of your families that may not feel like they have a lot of “things” to share.
Some preschoolers have a difficult time deciding what to bring for Show ‘n Tell. A little guidance can go a long way though. If your preschoolers are learning about the five senses, you could ask them to bring in something that is smooth for Show ‘n Tell. If you are doing a theme on flowers your preschoolers can bring in any flower, or anything that they think is related to flowers, that they can find and share it with the class.
It is your preschoolers’ time to shine! They may be so excited to share their special item that they forget what to say. Show your preschoolers that you are interested and that what they say is important by listening and asking questions. This will not only boost their confidence, but it will also have them practicing good communication skills through back and forth conversations.
As you are actively listening to your preschoolers, be sure to also take notes on what you see. These observations will be used later to inform your planning and for your preschoolers portfolios. You will be observing the child who is sharing; whether or not they are speaking loudly enough, looking at the audience, and if they are speaking clearly in full sentences. Don’t forget to observe your preschoolers in the audience, too.
As your preschoolers share their special items it is your job to model appropriate behavior for an audience member. Be still and listen quietly. Raise your hand when you have a question.
Take a turn to share something special to you once in awhile too. This will give your preschoolers an idea of the types of items that they can bring to share, and they will be able to observe how you speak and interact with a group.
Make Show ‘n Tell fun for your preschoolers and actively participate with them. Your preschoolers will have so much fun sharing with their classmates that they will not even realize how much knowledge they are gaining and the social-emotional and language skills that they are practicing.
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