The preschool registration form is an extremely important document full of vital information about your students and their families. Make sure you’re legally protected and that you get all the information you need in your registration form. This list will tell you all you need to know and why you need to know it.
Child And Family Information
- The child’s name
- Child’s date of birth
- Child’s gender
- Any allergies the child has (medicine OR food, If there is a food allergy, also find out if it is by ingestion or by touch. This isn’t necessary for an online class.)
- Any conditions that affect the child’s play or learning
- Complete mailing address
- Phone numbers (both parents! For an online class get at least one phone number in case there is a need for quick communication.)
- One email (that will be used for all communications)
Additional Family Information
- Whether the parents or married, single, separated, or divorced
- Who is the child living with?
- Are there any custody or guardianship arrangements in place?
- Who will be the main contact for the child
- The names and birthdates, including the year, for the student’s siblings (This information will help you to market to these preschool families when your student’s younger siblings are ready for preschool.)
The Child Release Information
Include a section that asks, “In addition to the two parents listed above, who is authorized to pick up the child?” Ask for the person’s name, their relationship to the parent/child, and their phone number. Include SIX lines. This information is necessary if the parents fail to pick up their child. It is not necessary for the parent to fill in all six lines, but they could come in handy if they are ever needed.
If a parent tells you that the child’s mother or father are not allowed to pick them up due to custody restrictions, tell them, “That’s fine, but I will need to have copies of those court documents on file for your child.” Without those documents, you are legally obligated to release the child to either biological parent.
Information About Class Time
- Include the name of the class, if any (Preschool, PreK, K, Advanced K, Summer Camp)
- The class time (days of the week and time slot)
- The tuition amount
- The registration fee amount
Agreement Section
At the end of your preschool registration form include a section that says, “Yes, I agree to abide by the policies and procedures handbook which has been explained to me. And, yes, I authorize you to use my child’s photos and videos in print and online for marketing purposes for your preschool business.” Be sure to add a space for the parent to sign and date your preschool registration form.
Dorothy Brown
This is really helpful step by step information that’s definitely a beneficial addition to your organization to prevent issues down the road.