Ever wondered which field trips work best for preschool?
After collectively taking tens of thousands of field trips, we’ve compiled these 8 tips to help you have the best preschool field trips EVER!
1) Don’t transport the students. In your home preschool, especially when you are just starting out, you may be the one adult for 6, 8, 10, or 12 kids. The thought of transporting them to a field trip may seem terrifying. Solve that problem by having the parents transport them to the field trip location. The field trip itself serves as your preschool class for that day so they won’t have to make multiple trips that day.
2) Have your field trips be at least 45 minutes long. Any shorter than that and parents may feel like it isn’t worth missing a day of preschool instruction. Some field trips, like the zoo, for example, may last substantially longer.
3) Don’t charge anything for your field trips. Make them totally free for the student!
4) Become the premier preschool in your area and be able to charge the highest tuition because you give the most value. Part of this value is that field trips are completely free to not only the students, but also to their entire family. Yes, even Grandma and Cousin Jeffrey can tag along if they’d like. Also make all events and holiday parties free for the entire family.
5) If a parent asks, let them bring a friend along for free, too. This gives you the opportunity to highlight the awesomeness of your preschool to a completely new family. Win! Win!
6) The chaperone challenge disappears because each child will be with their own parent/family.
7) Partner with another local business to get a free field trip. The dance studio owner would be thrilled to have their ideal clients in her studio to enjoy a half hour class. They will gladly let you visit for free. So will places like martial arts dojos, and gymnastics gyms.
8) For shorter field trips, buddy them up with another short field trip. You can call them a community field trip, e.g., Tae Kwon Do dojo with the Post Office, a dance studio with the fire station, a gymnastics studio with a dentist’s office. Remember, you want your field trips to be at least 45 minutes long for the parents to feel as though they are getting their money’s worth.
These tips will make your preschool field trip the best ever!
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