You’ve already gone through the whole process to get a daycare license, but now you are thinking of switching to a preschool license.
You might be asking yourself…
- Will I have to start from scratch and repeat the whole process over again?
- Is there a difference between a daycare license and a preschool license?
There is no such thing as a preschool license, at least there isn’t in the United States. There is only a daycare license that covers both childcare and preschool. So, if you are already a licensed daycare provider you are good to go and won’t need to change anything.
But What If You Are Just Starting A Preschool, Do You Have To Get A Daycare License?
In every state there is a certain number of children you teach in each one of your classes without having a license. If you only teach that number of children or fewer, you won’t need to get a license at all. If you decide you do want a license you would go through the process to get a daycare license.
Is It Hard To Get A Daycare/Preschool License?
It is a process. There are a lot of steps. There are some fees involved. And there is some paperwork. Okay, there is A LOT of paperwork, but think about how many childcare facilities and home daycares there are in America. According to as of April 29, 2019 there were 856,238 daycare operators in the United States, so no, it’s not that hard to get a license.
If you want some support and a place to ask questions while you go through the process, join one of our recommended training programs. You will not only find licensing help, but also help with everything concerning starting and running your preschool.
Do You Have To Be Licensed Before You Start Teaching Preschool Classes?
If you do decide you want to be a licensed preschool you can still start teaching children while you complete all the licensing requirements. Start your preschool with the maximum number of students your state allows you to have at one time while you go through all the steps, then after your license is approved you can increase your enrollment.
NOTE: There is no license required for online preschool.
Do You Need A Degree Or Many Years Of Experience Before You Apply For A Preschool License?
Very few states require any kind of degree in order to qualify for a daycare/preschool license. There are various inspections. You’ll have to pass a background check and be CPR/First Aid certified, but as far as formal training is concerned the chances are small that you will need it in order to qualify for a license.
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